Dani Beyer and her whole team are beyond fantastic! I cannot even begin to imagine going through the process of selling and buying with out Dani, Shelly and Melissa dotting every ‘i’ and crossing every ‘t.’ They are a highly organized team with phenomenal communication. I felt like Dani set us up for success to sell with her honest feedback; and the help of stagers coming in to give recommendations. Melissa is a magical person who’s “behind the scenes.” She responds lightening fast to everything, and makes sure we’re on track with everything — from the important small steps to the big milestones we encounter during the process. As for buying a house, I cannot imagine finding a more knowledgeable and truly devoted person than, Shelly. She’s an extraordinary advocate to have in your corner, and a true master of her craft. The whole team is beyond professional and efficient. I sadly have to admit that I wasn’t always the best client to work with (I got a little crazy), but Dani, Shelly and Melissa were always beyond impressive and gave their 110% throughout the whole process. I highly recommend this team to anyone. They’ll always be there going to bat for you with their wisdom and artful execution of the buying and selling process.

melissa@danibeyer.com |  + posts