How to Leave Your Beloved Kanas City Home Behind

They say “home is where the heart is,” but home can also be where you leave your heart. If you’ve ever had to leave behind a family home or a home that just held some very dear memories, even if you didn’t spend years and years there, it can be really heartbreaking. And if you’re having to leave behind your Kansas City home for a new city or state, that’s just a whole new level of sad.

Here are some ideas of how to say farewell to a home that you hold dear:

Take a Memory Walk Through Each Room

This is a simple yet sentimental way to imprint some memories of years gone by before you move from your house. Maybe it’s while you’re packing or maybe it’s after each room has been emptied, but take a walk down memory lane. When you enter each room, look around or close your eyes and try to remember some of the deep or silly memories of things that took place in that room.

Perhaps you brought your first baby home to a nursery that you painted yourself; a kitchen where you baked Christmas cookies each year with your family; a basement where your kids drew on the walls (that you, of course, painted over before listing); a living room where you held a neighborhood game night; or an office where you landed a big deal that is taking you from your Kansas City home.

Whatever the memory, try to soak it all in and take mental pictures that you store in your heart and mind.

Take Photos and Video

You surely have lots of pictures and videos that you’ve taken over the years in different spots of your house, but make sure to take some intentional photos before you move. Maybe it’s a favorite reading nook that you’d like to recreate in  your new house or a beautiful garden that you spent hours and hours in. If you used to record your children’s height on a doorway frame, make sure you take a photo of that before you leave and/or paint over it.

When you’re feeling homesick, you can go back to that album of photos/videos and enjoy a taste of home.

Have a House Cooling Party

We’ve all heard of house warming parties, but have you heard of a house cooling party? It’s just the opposite of a house warming, and it’s a great way to say goodbye with all your closest family and friends.

Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

You can keep it simple with a pizza party in the backyard or host a big final shabang before you pack up your kitchen items and furniture. Go around the table and have people share some of their favorite memories that were created in your home.

Write a Letter to the New Owner of Your Home

Leaving a letter for the new owners of the home that meant so much to you could be a good way to find closure. You don’t have to get too weird and sappy, but share a few of your favorite things about the house and how you hope they’re able to make their own new memories in a place that will always be so special to you.

Visit Your Favorite Kansas City Spots

Finally, if you’re leaving a Kansas City home behind, it also means you’re leaving the amazing city itself. Depending on how far away you’re moving, you may not be able to visit Kansas City very often. So be sure to visit all of your favorite restaurants – we know you’ll miss restaurants you can only find in Kansas City, like Q39, Betty Rae’s, Westside Local, Vietnam Cafe and McLain’s Bakery. Don’t forget one last Saturday stroll through City Market or a ride on the streetcar. Maybe you can even get in a Chiefs or Royals game before you go?

There is so much to do and love in Kansas City. We know it will be hard for you to say goodbye. If you need a top Kansas City real estate agent to list your home or would like a reference for a quality realtor in your new city, be sure to give us a call! We’d love to help make your transition away as smooth as possible. |  + posts