Dani Beyer Real Estate Team Member Spotlight Desi Kerr

Buyer’s Specialist, Desi Kerr, is in the hot seat today! This self-proclaimed comedian was apparently prepped to be in real estate while in the womb, and boy are we glad she’s on the Dani Beyer Real Estate team. Her energy level alone makes her the perfect person to help you buy your home; that, and the fact that she values family so much, she’ll work hard to make yours happy. Enjoy these fun facts about Desi!

Q: What’s your favorite hobby?
A: Family time. It doesn’t seem like this should be a hobby, but seriously, I use all of my free time with my family and friends! Hanging out by the pool, or watching movies together, or planning weekend trips – family time is my favorite.

Q: What famous person would play you in a movie?
A: Amy Schumer because, duh, I’m hilarious. 

Q: What drink describes you best and why?
A: Redbull/Vodka because the only thing I am ever drinking is caffeine but I still like to have fun with vodka. (We now know how Desi stays energized all the time!)

Q: What’s your favorite activity to do in Kansas City?
A: Downtown Parkville! I love to go to the coffee shop, the restaurants, mini golf is fun, farmers market and we are ALWAYS at the dog park!

Q: What do you love most about being an agent on the Dani Beyer Real Estate team?
A: My favorite thing about being on the Dani Beyer Real Estate team is everyone’s sense of humor! You have to have thick skin to be on our team because we are always goofing around with each other, yet still, at the end of the day, I know that anyone of my teammates would be there if I needed them!

Q: How did you get started in real estate?
A:I was born into real estate. My mom, my Aunt Debbie and Aunt Donna have all been realtors in St. Louis since I can remember, so I practically came out of the womb ready to sell a house. (This is by far the best answer to this question yet!)

Q: What is your design aesthetic?
A: Modern Farmhouse

If you have been searching for the perfect agent to help you buy your home, reach out to Desi! She is passionate about real estate and works hard for her clients. And as you’ve read, she’ll bring the fun. You can contact her at 816-778-5289 or email desi@danibeyer.com. Our next team spotlight will release on August 13, but if you haven’t caught up on all the others, click back through our blog to do so!

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