Selling your home fast may be as simple as a new coat of paint, a good clutter purge and a few minor repairs.Is selling your home on your to-do list for this spring? You may be looking around your house, wondering just how much you need to do before you put your house on the market. Are the paint colors dated?  Does your kitchen faucet drip on a regular basis? Or maybe your landscaping style could be mistaken in recent years as a prairie restoration project.

Don’t worry. By the time you’ve finished reading this checklist from Dani Beyer Real Estate, you’ll have a manageable strategy for selling your home fast, and for the best possible price.

Here’s what you should prioritize:

Attack those man-eating shrubs. If your landscaping has gone rogue, it’s time to get it under control to boost your curb appeal. Trim bushes and trees, plant a few flowers and look out for any maintenance items that might turn a buyer away. Splash a new paint color on the front door to make it pop. Have that friend who’s painfully honest drive by and tell you what their impressions are when viewing your home with a critical eye.

Give your walls a wardrobe change. You might love your outdated paint colors, but you need to brush on a fresh coat of neutral paint throughout your house. Not only will you help buyers see themselves living there, but they’ll also like the idea of moving in without having to immediately address the pumpkin-colored living room.

Get in touch with your inner Tim Taylor. You might think of that door that jams as a …well, you probably stopped thinking about it a long time ago. A home’s quirks tend to fade into the background when you’ve lived there a few years, but when potential buyers have to gain traction against the wall to pull your back door open, that may be what sticks in their mind. Fix the dripping faucet, oil up the squeaky cabinets and replace that cracked light switch plate.

Pack up your trophies. While you are at it, box up your college textbooks, and anything else that is taking up space and cluttering your house. You may not be able to part with your 1991 Little League District Champs trophy, but at least put it in a storage unit until you’re through selling your home. Purging clutter makes your home seem more spacious and allows potential buyers to look around without distractions.

If your cleaning list seems manageable, you’re doing it wrong. Just kidding, but you really should clean everything in sight. Scrub those cabinets, dust the ceiling fans, wash the windows. If you have a pet, consider room fresheners. If carpets are badly stained, consider investing in a professional cleaning or even a replacement.

Be a bit obsessive until it sells. Selling your home should be a fast process, but until the contract comes through, try to keep your home ready to sell. It’s never a good idea to turn down a showing, so keep your house clean and clutter-free so you are always ready to throw open the doors for a potential buyer.

At Dani Beyer Real Estate, we know what will make selling your home a fast and easy process. From identifying how to prioritize repairs to staging your home for a quick sale, contact us for more information. |  + posts