This is What You Need to Know For Selling Your Home in Summer

Selling your home starts with great curb appeal and listing for the right price.Summer is a great time for selling your home. Potential buyers are not deterred from house hunting by cold, snow or ice, and your home is likely to be framed by leafy green trees and a lush lawn, making it more attractive. That doesn’t mean that a home sale is a slam dunk; you still need a few great tips and the assistance of Dani Beyer Real Estate:

Focus on curb appeal: Summer offers a great palette for your home’s most beautiful features, and you can make the most of it by watering your lawn, keeping it trimmed neatly and planting a few flowers. You should also take a walk around your house, examining it with buyer’s eyes and look for peeling paint, loose gutters or anything else that could discourage someone from purchasing.

Use all your senses to see if your home is attractive in the summertime. You may readily notice the broken water balloons scattered across your backyard, but maybe you’ve gotten used to a dog that’s never picked up after – but a potential buyer will notice the smell. Does your trash can have a good-fitting lid, or might last night’s meatloaf packaging leave buyers with a lasting impression of your home?

Make sure your home is comfortable for showings: With doors opening and closing in the hot summer months, you’ll want to check your HVAC system to make sure it’s ready for hard work during your open house and showings. Before a showing, keep blinds and curtains drawn and lights out to keep things cool, then light up the house right before you leave.

Depersonalize and declutter: From family portraits to report cards posted on the fridge, your home is likely an expression of your family’s identity. It should be, until it’s time to sell your house and suddenly a potential buyer is admiring your baby’s cute smile instead of envisioning how your house could be theirs. Clear out any personal decorating, and de-clutter as much as possible. Even closets and storage areas should be purged to look spacious and neat. Dani Beyer Real Estate can help you decide what should be de-cluttered to make the most of each area.

Stage for summer: From patio furniture dotted with brightly-colored outdoor pillows to lemonade ready for your open house, make your home appeal to all the fun of the summer season. You can place summer-scented candles around your home and fill a pretty bowl with gerbera daisies or fresh lemons.

Be sure to watch for things that scream summer in other ways, but that isn’t likely to attract a buyer. For instance, dead June bugs lodged in your screen door or a pile of flip flops inside your backdoor from the parade of neighborhood kids are just two examples of how summer can also pose a few challenges!

Price the home right: Dani Beyer Real Estate can offer you an expert analysis of where your home should be priced. The danger in pricing it too high is that your home ends up sitting too long and potential buyers assume there must be something wrong with it.  You can enjoy the fast process of selling your home at the right price from the beginning and have it sold by mid-summer!

Summer is a great time for selling your home, but be sure it’s ready to show at its best by contacting us at Dani Beyer Real Estate! | + posts