Electricity is an essential part of our daily lives. Get the most out of your energy bill and save money this year with these simple savings tips, courtesy of Kansas City Power & Light. 

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Follow these simple tips to use less electricity and save up to $510 in 2015.

1)   Portion Control
Get rid of the energy –guzzling appliances. Check out the ENERGY STAR models to find the biggest savers. For example, you could save about $40 a year in operating costs by replacing your 10-year-old refrigerator with a new ENERGY STAR-certified unit.

2)  Mindful Consumption
Did you know that 75% of your appliance energy use takes place when you’re not even using it? It’s called passive or “vampire” energy use, and it occurs on every appliance that’s plugged in. For example, your television could be costing you about $150 even when you aren’t using it. Your computer can gobble up another $60 and that coffee pot can cost you $20. To avoid “vampire” energy use, plug your appliances into a power trip and turn off the power strip when not in use. This could save you up to $230 annually.

3)  Making Better Choices
Switch to CFLs and LEDs and save! The five lights used most frequently are your kitchen ceiling light, living room table and floor lamps, bathroom vanity lamp and outdoor porch lamp. Replace them with ENERGY STAR-rated CFLs or LEDs to potentially lower your bill by $75 per year.

4)  Cool Down
Quite paying to overheat your water. Set your hot water heater temperature at 120 degrees and add an insulation blanket to reduce heat loss. This can save you up to $45 per year. KCP&L’s free Programmable Thermostat is professionally installed and helps ensure a comfortable climate in your home while reducing your energy bill.

5)  Tighten Up
Heating and cooling make up about 46% of your monthly energy bill. That’s why sealing and insulating your air ducts can improve system efficiency by as much as 20%. For example, a monthly bill of $110 could result in savings of about $120 a year.


Quick, Low-Cost Fixes
Simple saving habits to stretch your budget this year.

1)   Lowering your thermostat by 7 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit for eight hours a day can save up to 10% on your bill. A programmable thermostat – including the one KCP&L offers – can do this automatically.

2)   Use window coverings to your advantage. In the summer, close shades and drapes to keep out the sun’s heat. In the winter, open them to take advantage of the sun’s warmth.

3)   Keep your HVAC in good shape. Clean or replace filters on the recommended schedule. Make sure registers, baseboard heaters and radiators are clean and clear of furniture or drapes. Clean your outdoor air conditioning unit or heat pump and keep it free of leaves, grass clippings and other debris.

4)   Wait to wash clothes until you have a full load, then use cold water if possible. You could save $30 to $40 a year.

5)   Use high-efficiency outdoor lights, or rely on solar lights outside to completely eliminate the impact of outdoor lighting on your electric bill.

6)   Set your computer to sleep mode or power it down completely if you won’t be using it for a while. Contrary to popular belief, a screen saver doesn’t save any energy.

7)   Unplug mobile phone chargers when the phone is fully charged or the charger is not in use.

8)   Unplug devices that aren’t even in use. Even in sleep mode, computers and other electronics use energy. “Energy vampires” such as these can add more than 10% to your energy bill.


Missouri Home Rebates
You can earn rebates from KCP&L for home improvements you may already be considering. You’ll reduce your electricity use and get money in your pocket.

1)   Home Lighting Rebate
One of the easiest ways to save energy and money is to upgrade your home lighting. Use our instant rebate to switch from incandescent to energy-efficient lighting, and keep your usage down and your monthly bills low.

2)   Recycle Your Old Appliances and Get $75
Your old refrigerator or freezer is worth $75 through our Home Appliance Recycling Rebate. Receive cash and save on your electric bill

3)   Air Conditioning Upgrade Rebate
Don’t punish yourself through another hot summer with a struggling air conditioner. Earn up to $850 when you upgrade to a high-efficiency system with our Air Conditioning Upgrade Rebate.

4)   Earn Rebates for New Appliances
Energy-efficient appliances help reduce your electric bill and benefit the environment. Through our Home Appliance Rebate, purchasing qualifying appliances also earns you cash back. Available for KCP&L – GMO customers only.

5)   Home Performance Rebate with ENERGY STAR
Improve your home’s comfort and efficiency with our Home Performance Rebate with ENERGY STAR. You’ll earn up to $600 by implementing at least one qualifying home improvement. Available for KCP&L – GMO customers only.

6)   ENERGY STAR Qualified New Homes Rebate
Ask your builder to make your home more efficient from day one. Through our ENERGY STAR Qualified New Homes Rebate, your builder can earn up to $800 off the cost of implementing the latest energy-efficiency standards. Available for KCP&L – GMO customers only.

7)   Go Solar and Save
Our Solar Power Rebate encourages solar technology, a renewable power source that has a positive impact on the planet.

liz@danibeyer.com |  + posts