The last two years in real estate have been a whirlwind. Navigating a worldwide pandemic and its effect on our personal lives was one thing. Then add in how it affected the real estate industry with low inventory and a newfound freedom for buyers to work remotely; we hopped into a crazy seller’s market. All along the way, our clients have been rock stars to flex with us as we conducted virtual consultations and open houses and signed closing paperwork in cars. We truly have the best clients, and thanks to all of you, 2021 was another great year for the Dani Beyer Real Estate team.

Dani Beyer Real Estate 2021 statsOur team ranked 12th out of 12,000 plus Kansas City metro real estate agents. We were able to gain that ranking by helping 228 families buy and sell their homes. That equaled $66,389,717 in team volume! Wow! And because it’s such a seller’s market, for those considering selling your home in 2022, here are some important stats to consider: Our client’s homes, on average, went for 102.5% of the list to sale price ratio and listings spent only eight days on market.

About 90% of our business comes from referrals or repeat clients. To us, what that means is you trust us. Bottom line, that means the world to the Dani Beyer Real Estate team. We work hard, day, nights and weekends to make sure you feel listened to, cared for, advocated for and understood. We ensure our agents are well-educated, experienced and supported, so that they have what they need to be the best agent for you. 

And “team” is a key part of who we are. Although to you, you may just be working with a single agent, that agent has a team to bounce ideas off, learn from and get support from, should they need it.

It’s important to us that you know we desire a relationship after the sale is complete. We’re here to offer you a library of vendor references should you need them for a home repair, refinancing and more. We also conduct free webinars on topics that may interest you or a friend, like Selling in a Seller’s Market or First-time Home Buyers webinar. And because we’re a lot of fun, we also host many client events like a Royal’s tailgate, Sweets with Santa and other dinners/happy hours that always include some killer giveaways.


Thank you, dear and loyal clients, for making 2021 a successful year for Dani Beyer Real Estate. We hope you’re all cozying up in your new homes and remembering us when you’re ready to sell them. 🙂 |  + posts