
Help us help others this holiday season!

The Dani Beyer Real Estate team and Harvesters have partnered to help feed hungry people in our community.

Harvesters helps feed 141, 500 people each month through its food drives. All products collected during the food drive will be distributed through Harvesters’ regional network of more than 620 nonprofit agencies. Every $1 helps provide three meals.

How do I participate?

1. Virtual Food Drive – Follow this link to give money for the virtual food drive. Donations are through the virtual food drive are open until December 17th. Dani Beyer Real Estate will match cash contributions up to $1,000!

2. Bristol Park Food Drive – Place nonperishable food and household items in the paper food drive bag provided by the Dani Beyer Real Estate team. Make sure your donation bags are placed on your front porch by 9 a.m. on December 10th for pick up.


3. Tax Information – All cash donations are 100% deductible! There is also a tax credit equal to 50 percent of the donation value available to persons, firms and corporations with business income in Missouri. Cash and food donations qualify. To apply for tax credits, submit a current Tax Credit Application to Harvesters.

Any questions?

Give us a call at 816-716-5172 or contact us on Facebook and Twitter.

scott@danibeyer.com |  + posts