I thought overall the experience was good. My relator was helpful in helping me look at homes and explaining the whole process to me. They will provide you 1 or 2 people from their “preferred list” for the home inspection and lending. I would recommend shopping around and not immediately taking either. I was able to find a home inspector for $100.00 less of what was quoted from their preferred person. I had my own lender from the start. I think my realtor was a bit overzealous with my lender, but she was just doing her job. If you’re trying to do a VA loan with a condo and the condo is not approved, you will most likely meet resistance with this realtor. They want to push the sell as quickly as possible and not wait on the VA. In the end, I got what I wanted so I can’t complain. The realtor was good at answering my questions and working with my schedule to show me places (even on weekends). I would go to them again.

melissa@danibeyer.com |  + posts