The NFL’s grand spectacle goes down this Sunday. Parties and get togethers across America will indulge in delicious foods while watching the show. The question is, which food is best for the game? Here’s what we’re thinking!

10. Pizza


Pizza — it’s easy. It’s dependable. It’s consistent. It’s the safe choice.

9. Wings

Chicken Wings

Others would rank wings much higher on this list. While delicious if prepared correctly, wings are easy to mess up. Plus, it’s a lot of work for a little bit of food. However, get it right and your guests will be more than satisfied.

8. Sliders

Photo Credit: jeffreyw

Photo Credit: jeffreyw

People tend to think of sliders pretty narrowly (basically just mini cheeseburgers). In reality, a slider can be any kind of sandwich. You can get creative with your ideas and — best of all — they’re easy. Just lay out the ingredients and guests can make their own!

7. Pigs in a Blanket

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This is another safe route. Pigs in a blanket are great finger food and there’s not much to be offended by. They’re relatively easy to prepare as well.

6. Little Smokies

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This is a case of the whole being greater than the sum of the parts. Small sausages cooked in barbecue sauce sounds ok, but tastes amazing. They’re a bit messy, but they’re a great snack food that pairs wonderfully with mac n’ cheese.

5. Mac n’ Cheese

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So much cheese; so much good. There’s not much else to say.

4. Dips (All Varieties)


Ranging from beer cheese to guacamole, this category’s strength lies in its diversity and potential. From a college dorm room to a corporate gala, you’re hard pressed to go to a party anywhere and not encounter some kind of dip. It’s easy to eat and simple to modify and make your own. This one is a no-brainer.

3. Nachos

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Nachos are similar in nature to dips, but the difference in construction creates a wholly different consumption experience. Varying meat, veggie, bean and cheese combinations create flavor collages upon a corn chip canvas. In a word: yum.

2. Chili


Peas and carrots. Milk and cookies. Simon and Garfunkel.

Another perfect pair? Chili and football. 

1. Barbecue

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The Chiefs may not be competing this year, but Kansas City will be watching the championship game. And in Kansas City, we live and breathe barbecue. If you don’t have your own smoker, there are plenty of options for barbecue catering in the area! |  + posts