Moving from Chicago to Kansas City? We’ll Breakdown the Moving Cost, Top Neighborhoods, School Districts and More

If you’ve been reading our blog on a regular basis, [...]

By Annie Grayson|2020-10-28T10:23:36-05:00October 2020|Buying, Moving|0 Comments

Everything You Need to Know About Moving from California to Kansas City (Top Neighborhoods, Culture Changes, Job Opportunities, Etc.)

More people are leaving California than arriving, and many of [...]

How Much Does it Cost to Stage a Home in Kansas City? (The Top 3 Things to Lookout For Before Hiring a Staging Company)

We recently touched on this topic a couple weeks ago, [...]

By Annie Grayson|2020-10-06T20:56:28-05:00October 2020|Decorating and Staging, Moving, Selling|0 Comments
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